OK presents One World Home party

We created the One World Home Party in the hope that everyone all over the globe currently stuck indoors can have a wonderful time and be connected to each other through art and music.

All the profit of the event aside from the operating costs will be donated to UNHCR.

So many people in areas where sanitary conditions are inadequate and also refugees who have lost their homes and continuing to face uncertainties have no place to "Stay Home".

So, we hope our contributions will be used to provide them requested hygienic items as well as necessary sanitary goods.

The main goal of this project is as we the earthlings sharing the same single planet, to make a common connection through joy of art and music and to know the power and importance in taking care of one another, especially of those less fortunate in this time of trial.

《Event outline》

ONLINE LIVE stream date and time: May 24th, 2020 12.00p.m. - JST

Live stream service: ZAIKO

To view archive: May 24th (Sun) - May 31st (Sun) JST

*The live stream URL can only be viewed in the purchased ZAIKO account.
*Even if the URL is shared or uploaded to SNS, individuals other than the owner of the ZAIKO account will not be able to view it.
*In the occasion you start viewing after the start of the stream, it will be the live stream at that point of time and you would not be able to rewind to view while the live stream is ongoing.
*After the live stream, individuals who have purchased the ticket will be able to view it in the archive for 1 week.

《Artist lineup》

Haruomi Hosono
Jerry paper

The hot shot broadcast!Exclusive versions of songs from cool artists!,
plus + KIKO and YUKA's original video and
HARUOMI HOSONO has taken part with the unreleased video "When I Paint My Masterpiece"!
Artists will hold a HOME PARTY from various locations.
At this moment,more than ever, we want to experience ONE WORLD through music with people all around the world!